Calc 3D is a mathematical calculator that can help us calculate both simple and advanced operations. We can use this calculator to make additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, and to operate with vectors, lines, points, spheres, and planes, as well as matrices, quaternion, complex numbers, and coordinates (Cartesian, spherical, and cylindrical). We are also allowed to convert the three types of coordinates one into another. We can save and print the results.
From the program's information window, we have the possibility to calculate which day the Easter Sunday fell or will fall on in any year from 1998 up to 2990. This utility features a "rate of exchange" calculator that makes it possible to convert the Euro currency to/from the old currencies that were used in several states before they became members of the European Economic Community. The user interface can be switched into English, Spanish, Italian, German, or Portuguese. There is a fully featured evaluation version, which can be tested completely free for 15 days. This application has got an advanced version called Calc 3D Pro that, peculiarly, is delivered free of charge. A minor disadvantage is that the help guide (with lots of graphical explanations) is only available online.
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